Posted by: h4ck@lyst | May 1, 2009

hello and goodbye!


Am sorry I don’t know you. Yups, I still don’t know you! We spent the last four years in the same campus. Maybe an year or two in the same hostel. Definitely saw you number of times in and around the campus. That itself is a big deal coz I still get to see new faces in the mess every now in a while. Maybe its simply coz I go to mess just a little often than not. But still, it so happened that we never talked. Maybe you recognize me. Maybe I also recognize you as that guy from the pool, or the guy on whom my crush had a crush. But still. Posting this a little about two hours before the second last sem exam of this college, hello to you my dear friend. Here is wishing to you a very warm and well wishing adieu, so that you can proceed ahead on this journey of life, the first part of which we travelled together as anonymous co-travellers in this great institution called NIT Trichy!

Posted by: h4ck@lyst | April 22, 2009


SMS + phishing = SMiShing!

In computing, Smishing is a form of criminal activity using social engineering techniques similar to phishing. The name is derived from “SMs phISHING”. SMS (Short Message Service) is the technology used for text messages on cell phones.

Similar to phishing, smishing uses cell phone text messages to deliver the “bait” to get you to divulge your personal information. The “hook” (the method used to actually “capture” your information) in the text message may be a web site URL, however it has become more common to see a phone number that connects to automated voice response system.

This term has been around for quite some time I believe. The wikipedia article on the same was created on 09:03, 29 August 2006! I ve myself got one such mail SMS which was the Great Britain Lucky Lottery one. blah..

Posted by: h4ck@lyst | April 22, 2009

Move on!

Despite your most fervent hopes and wishes, people do not do exactly what you want them to do. This is especially true in matters of the heart. If you are crushing on someone big time but they just don’t seem interested, you’ve got to let go and move on. Think of it this way — by wasting time with this person, you are forcing the person who actually is perfect for you to wait longer than they have to! Moving on isn’t all about leaving someone behind. It’s about greeting your destiny.

Horoscope for the Gemini from for April 22nd, 2009

Posted by: h4ck@lyst | April 18, 2009

What’s on your mind? What are you doing?

These two are the taglines used by facebook and twitter respective around their status msg/update/micro blog box. And I just realised that the answer to the two need not be the same. For example, at this very instance, the facebook’s question of what’s on your mind resulted in eliciting the following as my response..

“somethings up on my mind. But just as I signed the first legal document/contract of my life, am left alone to wonder what all can I put up here in public on the livewire! hmmm…. back to the old days of my dear diary?!”

And I just switched tabs and went over to twitter tab. And the question over there “What are you doing?” elicited the following response
“Waiting for the future!?!”

Ok, now personally I can vouch that both these responses relate to the same train of thoughts, but this gives us a valuable insight into the human psychology. Even though the person you are talking to might be thinking along the same line as you, its not necessary that he will answer you the way you want him to. The right answer depends on the right question. Just like its said, ask me no questions, I ll tell you no lies.
I remember something I read in my english class as a kid. Question tags or Tag Questions. hmmm…

Posted by: h4ck@lyst | April 11, 2009

Apple countdown!

Well, Apple is about to hit one billion apps! It has posted a nice count-up on it website!

I have put in here the source and the files required for just the coundown part. Hack it away to your own use to glory! 🙂

Download this file, rename the extension to .zip (since wp doesnt allow to upload .zip, but they dont really check for file type but just the file extension.. lolz! )
extract the zip and open the index.html 🙂

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