Posted by: h4ck@lyst | May 30, 2009

On the crossroads of life.. again..

Its the last post from the sunlab. Memories come rushing back. Lots of happiness, a lil remorse. Thank you all. For being with me in this journey so far. I am what I am because of what you moulded me into with your company. Those night-outs, those midnight breakfasts at nescafe, the 7 am dinner in mess, those sleepy last moment entries into class. Those laughters and those heartbreaks. The phone calls and the messages. The juicy and the snacky. The stable brunch at snacky of two chicken puffs and a chocoltae truffle. The innumerous dinners at the gate dhabas and meridian and sangeetha. The shared smokes and the drinks. The rush for Pragyan and Festember. The Nittfest and the symposiums. The delta and the www. The ssh -XCYP and the vncserver. The scp and the su. The delta and the RMI. The movies and the series. Coral and Emerald. Nescafe and Bru. Library and bookbank. SC and Xerox shop. The rem video that was never to be. At another crossroads of life. Where one journey ends and another begins. See you all at some other crossroad of life. Its been a pleasure knowing you all. Bidding adieus is always the most difficult thing of a journey. Only the hope of meeting new friends and seeing the old ones once again is a bit of a solace.


  1. Been there 🙂 Done that 🙂

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